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  • staceyrosado85

So You Want to Farm?

While I love to encourage people to farm or homestead. Let's be honest. Homesteading isn't easy. Its not all successful gardens, healthy animals and abundance of sunshine and rain in the right amounts at the right time.

Its zucchini that gets a vine bore and barely produces. Its tomatoes that get blight despite all your efforts. It's corn that falls over and over again. Beans that don't flower until when you were supposed to be harvesting. Its peppers who barely produce sizeable fruit. And pumpkins that get killed by frost. It is sick goats, dead kids, does who cycle time and time again and don't get pregnant. Its years of buck kids and little to no doe kids so you can't grow your herd or sell to provide for the herd. Its to much rain and months of drought. Its hot sun scorching your skin or cold cold days that bite your face and fingers.

If you experience one or more of these things or something hard I want to hear about it. Let's commiserate together that it's a tough go but we do it for the love of farming. For the love of that fresh pepper despite how small it is. For the canned sauces that do make it to your basement for winter. For the years of healthy goats and easy kiddings. For the feel of the sunshine and the rain as you work the earth. There is pain there is heartache but there is joy.

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